Friday, June 23, 2006

Talking Consoles

It turns out that my 360 talks about me. Well, it hasn't sprouted legs yet, but it certainly gets around.

Hopefully it'll be nice.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Get Stupid on Your Own Time (Secret Identities)

This last weekend provided some curious revelations which have led me to believe in secret identities once more.

After the better part of a year associating with some friends of ours, my wife and I had dinner with the couple at their house. Aside from being impeccably decorated, their home offered a pleasant atmosphere for discussion about a litany of subjects.

Since we met in Lamaze class, our children and child-based activities have been the cornerstone of our interaction. With both children securely retired, we had some additional adult conversation ranging from travel debacles to why Star Trek II is the best Trek. After the former discourse degenerated into a comparative evaluation of interests, we lingered on a comic book discussion for a while.

In startling revelations, my friend Dan turned out to be none other than D. Curtis Johnson of Chase fame.

In other super hero news, my copy of the new Aquabats album showed up. It is familiar Aquabat fun packaged in audio form. While the production has increased over time, the songwriting has declined due to time, cast, and creativity pressures.

For those not in the know, check out the video I uploaded.

Over the years (even in my relatively old age) I have enjoyed the zaniness of their concerts, the antics in the music, and the squeaky-clean fun available for all "the kids."

I have waited in lines with Prince Adam, met Karl Malone in the middle of a Louisiana project, gotten a back rub from the Governator's personal masseuse, and been rebuffed by Jim Lee. Somehow, somewhere, some of that power must have been passed on. As of now, my secret origin is a secret even to me.

"You'll never take us alive!"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lunch 412

I was flattered by the positive discussion on Gamespot surrounding yesterday's lunch blog. Who would have thought soy milk and bad food would go so well together?

Some people asked questions about the lunch deal I have. Basically, I have a great employer that keeps stocked refrigerators and an open cafeteria for all employees to draw from. We get all the drinks we can drink and $5.50 worth of lunch every day from the catered cafeteria. It is a good deal.

I had free yogurt this morning for breakfast with the granola my wife made for me. Then I topped it off with some other soy milk (at right).

Many of us go to lunch together, and today we spent some time having drinks back at our desk.
Sometimes the drinks are harder. While I stick with the water, frequently we have Wine & Cheese events. I only have the cheese.

. . .we are always hiring.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The 411 Lunch

Today in lunch history the cafeteria delivered a frightening seafood concoction for mass consumption. Fortunately work pays me to eat this stuff.
If you can't tell from the picture, it is supposed to be some Jumbalaya-like meal. It tastes about as good as it looks.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Great Aunt Hoodie

I'm charging down the lane, a breakaway from the tower who was charged with defending me. He is pontificating about his new custom home being built by his wife. Evidently Great Aunt Hoodie granted his wish for riches. Now he is constructing an award-winning mansion.

I get the pass from Frannie Franklin. She didn't pass me the ball, but a sandwich bag with a cut Peanut Butter and Jelly for contents. As my shoes lift off from the bottom of the key, the sandwich careens through the scoring portal, my hands bend the rim down as gravity once more lays claim upon me.

Two points, and the game.

Proof Great Aunt Hoodie is a fickle fairy god mother: even aging white men can get a good vert off her blessing.

Thank you Great Aunt Hoodie.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Far, Far Away

Truly Star Wars revolutionized the way science fiction films were perceived, and the film industry as a whole. Unfortunately, regionalizing in the Mediterraneanwas not friendly to what was once the greatest space opera.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Mini Driving

Since my wife doesn't read this I am safe confessing. . .
Today I test drove my dream car: a Mini Cooper S, with the racing package. Mmmm.
The handling was awesome, the get-up-and-go left me wishing I had kept up on my manual transmission skills. It was just as much fun as I thought it would be.

Last night my wife and I watched Seven Days in May. If you have never seen it. . . rent it this weekend so you can remember when movies had drama. Whatever you do, don't watch the trailer before seeing the movie. The trailer gives the whole thing away!!